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The Society of Badenoch and Strathspey Artists (SBSA) was founded around 1995.  The Society is a membership organisation and became a company limited by guarantee in 2010 and in 2016 achieved charitable status.
The Society's aims are to:

encourage and promote enjoyment of the arts, heritage and culture, by holding exhibitions open to the general public and the local community;
encourage the work of individual artists locally and nationally;
support the artistic development of members;
arrange workshops, training and community based project activities;
work alongside schools to encourage young people to take an interest in the arts, heritage and culture;
cooperate and  associate with other arts societies, organisations and similar bodies in the charitable purposes of the Company.
Membership is open to anyone who shares these aims
The current membership of around 100 includes a good cross-section of artists who are professionally trained and qualified, those who have attended shorter courses or perhaps are self-trained, members who might still regard themselves as novices, as well as those who are just interested in the visual arts and wish to support the work of local artists. Collectively the Society demonstrates the wealth of talent that can be found in the area.

Membership costs just £20 per year, but to enjoy the full benefits including discount on gallery hire, must be paid by the AGM (usually held in March) each year.

Download a 2025 membership form here.

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